Monthly Archives: July 2020

What do you call a group of Flamingos?

I am always surprised and humbled by humans creativity and their need to be together particularly when faced with adversity. Take the current situation… because we can hardly ignore that our worlds have been turned upside down, right? We are now singing, attending church, birthdays, funerals, learning, community groups and...

Inspiration comes from unexpected places

My inspiration for crochet sometimes comes from unexpected places. I recently unashamedly purchased a classic pair of flowing summer trousers embellished with gorgeous stylised flowers in yellows, golds, oranges, pinks, apricots set on a navy background. In these trousers I could see a colourful crochet afghan! The rug I would...


Sunflowers mean summer and in our north facing garden they make a spectacular display. In the summer of 2019 we had a crop of sunflowers that came up out of the compost. They just grew and grew, strong and tall in the vegetable garden. We likened these to a Jack...